Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Doing anything but studying

Over the years I have come to the conclusion that my procrastination skills are quite good. Law school has done wonders at honing these life skills. Take today, for example: woke up; spoke on the phone; played on the internet; ate; napped; played on the internet; cleaned my house; watched part of a movie; spoke on the phone; played on the internet; ate. Are you sensing a theme? Now if only I could figure out a career where I play on the internet, talk on the phone, and take long naps, I'll be set! (Unfortunately, being an infant does not count as a career.)

I'm also an old lady. Demonstration:

**On the phone with my mother**
Mother: You're a shut in.
Me: Just because I can't go on vacation with you doesn't mean I'm a shut in!
Mother: You're an old lady. All you need is a cat and you can retire in peace.
Me: I am not an old lady! I lead an active and productive life!
Mother: Your thermostat is set to 72, you walk around your house wrapped in a blanket, and you nap more than any person your age should.
Me: Yeah, I totally was napping earlier when you called and I told you I was studying.
Mother: I rest my case. You are a granny.

Granted, I do participate in all the things she mentioned above. I do love naps. I may keep my house at a sub-tropical temperature. But by God, I'm not a fan of cats and I work REALLY hard during the week procrastinating so I can sleep on the weekends.

A crazy bird lady, though...that's a role I may eventually be willing to play.

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