On January 17th I made this post asking what you thought Speedy's arrow was. Turns out none of us were right, not even Chris who guessed it was a plot device. Nope, it didn't even work as that. Len at the store realized it was a placeholder arrow. You know, it fills a gap in Speedy's quiver until she needs to put a useful arrow in there, then she gets rid of it. Seriously, how the hell do you even make an arrow that does what it was supposed to? Also, I had no clue what was going on with all the Doom Patrol stuff. Was that making fun of John Byrne or something? Going into One Year Later, I can't say whether I'll continue to buy this book. 2 "I've Seen This Before" out of 5.

If I had to say what bothered me most about this it would be Tim's behavior. In part one, which was good, he was calm, confident, making a plan, and keeping his teammates aware of it, while at the same time demonstrating some emotion, such as his concern for his best friend and letting Wonder Girl pummel the security bots because she needed to let off some steam. This issue, he's cross, snapping at people, having these weird inner monologues about how viciously he and the other Titans are fighting the Brainiac things. In other words, he seemed to go from a well-written Batman, who would be the master sleuth, but still had compassion, to Batman of recent years, who's a humongous jerk. If they're going to turn Tim into Bats, at least don't make it that one. I'll probably read this book at least until this "did Robin kill Batgirl?" story is over, though the obvious answer to that question is "Not on the best day of his life". After that, who knows? 2 out of 5.

As for the rest? Well, it's still leaning towards the Phoenix Saga, and I made my thoughts clear about that last month, and nothing's changed. I'm curious about the guy that Nick Fury's getting ready to arrest, though I guarantee Fury's about five seconds from getting his ass kicked, because Ultimate S.H.I.E.L.D. is still worthless.
I am confused as to how absorbing Gambit's power makes Rouge able to touch people safely again. It seems like it should make her not only put you in a coma, but kinetically charge whatever part of you she's touching until it explodes, leaving you an amputee comatose person. But I'm not complaining. While I don't like her as much as Marvel Rouge, I can still be happy for Ultimate Rouge if this lasts. And yes, I'm ignoring Sabretooth's revelation to Wolverine. Gag. 3 out of 5.

As for the story, uhm, animals and people are going crazy. Killing themselves, killing others and so on. For some reason this reminds me of the storyline that made me give up Spawn, where the Clown had turned a huge number of people into disciples of a sort, and they were running around acting out their darker impulses, causing chaos. Even in Spawn, where it works, I didn't read it, and I'm not reading it now. I guess I may keep an eye on this book, see if it turns around, but I doubt it will. 1 "It's a Sad Day When I Drop A Spider-Man Book" out of 5.

Anyway, the battle was kind of lackluster, but you had to admire Blaze's determination. He had a goal, and he was going to get it, he didn't care how powerful his opponents were. Ms. Catamint finally realized her boss needed to die, and this she lives out what Homer Simpson called the American Dream. I don't know how that bullet did as much damage to GR as it did, given he came out OK from being hit with a bus. I guess it was consecrated or something. Even though the end was kind of a bummer, I'd say the Rider definitely lives up to his billing as a Spirit of Vengeance. I'd like to see more of him. And Thor. That's not relevant to this, I just wanted to throw that out there. 3.5 out of 5.
I get the feeling Ennis likes to make fun of religion. I don't know, I didn't read any of his stuff before he came to The Punisher.
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