So this is Slade Wilson, known as Deathstroke the Terminator, or is it just Deathstroke now (Image courtesy of Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin)? As you may notice, he's missing his right eye, hence the patch. The thing is, I'm not sure how that could have happened based on the description of events.
See, Slade lost his eye at the hands of his then wife Addie. She was somewhat, shall we say miffed, that he hadn't told her he was an assassin, and that his work had led to their son Joseph getting kidnapped, and his vocal cords being cut, because Slade would not reveal the name of one of his employer's.

Here we see the set-up. Slade's getting ready to go on another mission. Addie comes in, telling him about Joseph's condition. Addie raises the gun, with the barrel pointed up slightly, to compensate for Slade's greater height, cocks the hammer, and fires. But Slade's a little too quick. As Addie puts it 'his reflexes saved him. I only shot out his right eye.'
I have to ask, how? How do you dodge a bullet fired at the back of your head, so that it only takes your right eye? Wouldn't it pass through your head, doing at least some damage to the rest of your skull, like your brain stem, or your upper jaw at least? Did he turn, in which case it should have grazed his eye socket, or at least the bridge of his nose?
So, since that story is obviously bull, I ask you, what is the REAL story behind Slade Wilson's missing eye?
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