Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Another New Experience

Another turn of events this week.

A temporary supervisor's position has come up at the local college and, through my work there as an exam invigilator, I got the job. It's just a few hours each day until Christmas. I get there in time to supervise their official morning break and leave just after lunch. There are two ladies who do the job on a permanent basis and they have been looking after me.

The students are 16 to 18, studying for A levels. Most of them want to be there, are hard working and serious about getting to university. A small number are just there to party and I've had to reprimand a few for giving me lip and ignoring reasonable requests.

Nevertheless I'm enjoying every minute and I'm keeping my eyes and ears tuned for any inspiration for future stories. We've recently had a tip-off that some sort of prank is about to be pulled. I'll say no more except that we're on streaker alert at the moment.

Had a story accepted for the Lincolnshire Echo this week. This is for a competition organised in collaboration with Writing East Midlands which I learned about from Helen Yendall's blog.

Also managed to get hold of a copy of Ireland's Own through my son working over there this week. So I may have another possible outlet for short stories.

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