Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

I'm Hoping this Haunting is My Imagination

I fully believe in attribution bias.  I believe that we see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear and when we believe in ghosts and hauntings,  evidence will present itself that supports our beliefs because we are specifically looking for evidence to support our belief.  I am very aware of these biases and try to look for rational explanations before I leap to conclusions.  I also admit that I am forgetful and may do things and forget I have done them.

However,  tonight I came home from cub scouts with my sons and every faucet was on in the bathroom.  I can't believe I would turn on the shower, both sinks, and the bathtub before I left.  I can't imagine why  I would do such a random act, nor can I imagine any rational explanation as to how this would  happen.  I could let this go, however.  I probably forgot turning everything on, right?   But later on I was sitting at the computer working on tonight's blog, which was supposed to be about Halloween, when the sink turned on again.  I'm sitting here.  I can see the sink.  There was no one there.  So  I ask all my readers,  is this just the product of my very active imagination and a passion for ghosts or should I be concerned.  I'm hoping its my imagination.

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