Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

The Japanese Atrocities During World War II and the Ghosts of Unit 731

When most people think of the atrocities of World War II, they think of the Germans.  They think of the German concentration camps and the genocide that occurred within them.  They think of the inhuman Nazi experiments and the ability within the Nazis to commit acts that seem impossibly cruel.   Most people don't think about the Japanese.   The Japanese were mostly forgiven for their atrocities following World War II.  Many of the generals involved in the Rape of Nanking and Manilla lived long happy lives surrounded by wealth and their grandchildren.  Their atrocities were forgotten and forgiven.  Yet their evil was even worse than that of the Nazis in some points and made worse yet by the Japanese refusal to admit that the Rape of Nanking, the experiments at Unit 731, and their other great evils even occurred.

During the Rape of Nanking, one of Japan's most notable atrocities, they killed 10,000 a day.  Over 300,00 were slaughtered in less than six weeks.   Japanese soldiers rounded up women and imprisoned them in rape camps.   They forced fathers to rape their daughters, sons to rape their mothers, and participated in the most obscene mutilations of genitals I have ever heard of.  They cut the babies from pregnant women's stomachs and made the mothers watch them kill their babies.   In the Unit 731 Experimentation Camp in Harbin, Machuria the Japanese rounded up local Manchurians and subjected them to the most unthinkable experimentations.  They rounded up entire villages and locked them up and exposed them to anthrax, cholera, and bubonic plague. Live human vivisections were performed and logged carefully.  Torturous experiments were performed night and day and each person was given a number like a lab rat.

Despite the Japanese denials of such abomination, the evidence remains in photographs and the ghosts that linger behind.  Unit 731, not surprisingly, is considered by many to be one of the top ten most haunted places in the world.  Those that have travelled to the remains of 731 say that their electronic equipment stops working.  Flashlights falter.  Lights fade.   They describe strange noises and the sounds of crying can be heard from a distance. Ghost lights and ghosts have been seen wandering these tragic ruins.  People have seen the ghosts of men and women wandering the site.   Many say the haunting here has become more and more active as the ghosts of the dead cry out for justice.

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