Kamis, 02 Maret 2006

Reflections on March 1st Buys #1

Starting it off with Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #5, my first question is, when a person with red hair reaches senescence (old age), what color does their hair typically turn?

I'm looking at the ending scenes of the issue, the confrontation between "Spider-Man is stalking me" Woman and Spidey's Widow. Most of the time, the widow's hair is just gray, but there are a couple of panels where it's blondish, just a little darker than the hair Vanna had at the start of the issue. Which of course, set off my panic button. "Holy crap, that's not Mary Jane! They're going to have them break up! Please tell me he didn't wind up with Gwen Stacy's daughter, who happens to look just like Gwen!" OK, so I'm overreacting to what was probably a colorist error, what of it? I've heard things about Quesada. That he doesn't think Peter should be married. And after House of M, I'm a little concerned.

Between Peter realizing his "perfect" life is with Gwen Stacy and not Mary Jane, his "death" and what happened in the hospital just prior to it, and this blood oath with Stark (which I think MJ has more misgivings about than Peter. She doesn't seem to trust Stark as much as Peter does, which I figure could be traced back to the problems with her father. Peter may gravitate towards father figures, I think MJ tends to distrust them. Which is the right instinct here), there seems like there's going to be more stress than normal in the Parker family. Even with Aunt May's influence, this could get rocky. I can even see Peter and MJ getting into it over whether to stay at Stark Tower (Peter) or get their own place (Mary Jane and Aunt May).

Granted, they've tried to get rid of Mary Jane before, with a airplane disaster, and before JMS came to Amazing Spider-Man they sent her to Los Angeles. Ultimately, I'd say fan response overrode both, and she was back. But Joey Q strikes me as a stubborn man. If he wants Mary Jane gone, I doubt he'll stop trying.

Or maybe I'm nuts.

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