Minggu, 19 Februari 2006

Things I Think About #18

Someday, I'll learn to trust my instincts. I mean, I should have figured that out by now. Back in high school they always told us that on a multiple-choice test, if you aren't sure, go with your first instinct, doubting yourself wouldn't get do you much good. So what does that have to do with today's post?

Chuck Austen.

There's an interview on the Comic Book Resources website with Mr. Austen. I've known about it for a few days, and carefully ignored it. My mind kept telling me, "It'll just make you mad. He'll say something unkind about Stacy X, and you'll be pissed off for a week." Today, I stopped listening and went ahead and read it.

It was much worse than if he'd insulted Stacy. At least then I would have just been angry with him, which is a familiar feeling to me when it comes to ol' Chucky. It's worse because he actually came off as sympathetic, which I'm sure was part of the design of the interview. I mean the number of times the fact he has a wife and kids was brought up, and that his wife told him to stop reading all the insults on the Internet, clearly meant to pull on the heart strings.

And damned if it didn't work. A little.

I still don't believe his "everyone wants to be with someone, for one reason or another" explains Stacy's behavior, but I do understand to a certain extent, what he was going for.

I do have to give him credit for being aware of his rep with the fans, and joking about it. The part where he talks about how he and Geoff Johns most definitely aren't friends, and that Geoff hates him, was at least a little amusing.

See, this is the danger of the blogosphereI would have never known about this otherwise. And now I feel sympathy for my sworn enemy (one of them anyway). Sigh. Ruined a perfectly good Sunday.

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