Kamis, 29 Desember 2005

Discussion Topic

So, this is likely my last post for the week. I'm going out of town Friday morning, and I doubt there'll be a good computer for me to post from during my week out of town, so I'll be back for certain with comic reviews next Friday. Anyway, here's what I wanted to discuss:

It's been said somewhere, by someone, and then repeated on blogs, that "Superheroes shouldn't date normal people" or something like that. So the obviously, my question is, where do you stand on that?

I can't really decide myself. I think the problem with that is it limits people a bit in their potential partners, especially for those of the same-sex persuasion. Plus there's that whole idea about not dating co-workers, so you know.

On the other hand, I am getting kind of tired of Mary Jane being worried about Peter going out to fight crime when he's injured, or sick, or emotionally distressed, and all she can try to do it guilt-trip him into not going because she can't help when he's out there. If he was dating the Black Cat, she could at least go out to back him up.

I guess I feel that ultimately from the characters' standpoint, it would make sense to date a fellow cape, if only because it means they'd be better able to defend themselves against those looking to hurt the heroes loved ones. But from a readers' standpoint, and from the writers' it's probably too limiting to the character to narrow their world down like that.

Well, that's my two cents, now it's time for yours. If you don't mind, I have to finish packing and watch Death Wish 2. it's a movie where Charles Bronson shoots people! Wait, that's all his movies. . . See ya next week!

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